Monday, October 26, 2015

Every year, once the cold hits, my face becomes extremely red and blotchy. I have always attributed it to dry skin due to the weather change and have treated it as such using all types of natural moisturizes like coconut oil. 
It finely dawned on my that the reason that merely moisturizing my face is not working is because it is not just a hydration issue, but probably also an inflammation issue. I have done some research on skin inflammation and there are all types of suggested natural remedies so I am just going to start with a couple:
I will start in the morning by splashing my face with lukewarm water, followed by a pat dry then I will apply aloe gel to my face. In the afternoon I am going to soak a cloth in green tea and then apply the cloth to my face for 10-15 minutes. I will repeat both of these steps at least twice daily for a week. If I see no difference in the inflammation on  my face, I will either discontinue use of the aloe & green tea or add something else to the regimen. 
I will keep y'all posted!